Servant leadership: scarce but successful
For several years I have studied in depth the different types of leadership, and for all there is only one warning to rescue, a motto that new martial arts experts acquire: "the black belt they reach is to be feared because it is a great temptation to believe that you know everything, so always remember to keep humility, the desire to grow and curiosity ". In this world so changing, uncertain and with systemic injustices, the priority is to have ethical, fair and service citizens. Hence the importance of promoting everyone's innate desire for help: servant leadership.
By Jodie Padilla , November 5, 2020

Servant leaders attract more ethical human talent. I developed my own leadership style by learning from these positive leaders and they encouraged me to be grateful without ever failing to emphasize that my achievements are the product of my own effort ✨ Servant leaders have the strength to be able to admire and praise people from around them that constantly outdo themselves, while - according to Harvard Business School # 1 in the study of leadership - the UNdeserving of leadership positions (non-competent leaders) have delusions of grandeur and are constantly threatened by new and prominent people. ; they "justify their opposition by arguing that (talented) people are opportunistic, take advantage of the organization, have ideas that do not go with the organizational mission, they believe that subordinates are very confident with their position and in general that they were nobody without them leading ".
:: Sometimes there is no better teacher than your worst enemy ::
Unfortunately the second is what rules IN THE WORLD, they believe that if someone else (like you and me) achieves something, it is pure LUCK and they are right, you were lucky:
Did you know
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This also leads us to understand that it is inevitable that leaders have two possible perceptions of their colleagues: either positive ➕ or negative➖, and that is only the reflection of who they are, people that you should bring closer ➕ or that you should ignore ➖ .
The truth is that when one more boss wants to control, denigrate and collapse with hierarchies and bureaucracies, it will eventually motivate the emergence of an ethical, committed, inclusive and fair leader, inside or outside that organization. My advice is to live a happy life, take the positive from everything around you, be grateful but empowered by your own worth and never stop looking for new spaces where you can flourish ✔ A true leader creates opportunities, allows everyone to contribute what they are good at and congratulate in a big way.

:: If you have not found this, you become that leader ::
When you reach a goal, do not be ashamed to share it, do not suffer from the impostor syndrome because of those who repress you because all people see opportunities happen DAILY and very few take advantage of them. Don't feel guilty about being part of that small group 💪🏼 and remember that it is never too late to join or add more people to that prosperity train. Don't be afraid to take that big step of fighting for your dreams even if they seem strange 💗
You deserve to live the life you chose, you deserve to take all the credit for having achieved it 🏆 Believe me ... the day will come when everything is worth it and where a criticism will be what it is: a small noise of your UNDISCUTABLE SUCCESS 🙌🏼