Matilde comes to life at the Interactive Museum of Science in Quito
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On the morning of Saturday, February 29, the event "Super Scientists That You Didn't Know" was held at the Interactive Museum of Science in the city of Quito. The initiative was born from the support of various organizations such as the Community of Divulgants of Scientific and Ancestral Knowledge of Ecuador KUNA, the Ecuadorian Network of Scientific Women of Ecuador REMCI, Divulga Ciencia Quinto Pilar, the Yachay ConCiencia Female Empowerment Program and Team Matilde as Media Partner.
Matilde Hidalgo de Procel was personified by Sofía Cabrera and during the day 200 people participated and the most important women scientists in history were instructed about the impressive life. 2 tickets were given to a winner from the Matilde Hidalgo community who resides in the capital; the winner was Daniela Zaldumbide who enjoyed the experience.