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Centennial of the Title of Dr. of  Matilde Hidalgo
Premiere of "Matilde Hidalgo Al Ecuador" 2nd Edition

This date is particularly special for the work of Team Matilde, since not only is the Centennial of its Degree celebrated with an event organized by the Central University of Ecuador (request made 2 years ago to the Rector of the UCE Dr. Fernando Sempértegui due to artistic collaboration with the Matilde Hidalgo Student Association), but also celebrate 2 years  since Google accepted Team Matilde's request and created the first Doodle of an Ecuadorian woman.


For reasons that abound, Ambassadors Team Matilde and an international ally, we have been able to create the second edition of "Matilde Hidalgo Al Ecuador", a hyper-realistic 3D animation of Matilde, sponsored by the International Center for Journalists in Washington DC, with a message of improvement of Matilde for our generation. We have managed to revive Matilde in the Digital Age and we want you to enjoy this experience!

🗓️ Day: Sunday, November 21
⏰ Time: 8 am Ecuador time
📍 Place: YouTube channel 
✅ Link:

We present you in hyper-realistic 3D animation the incredible woman we will honor 💪🏼 without her many women would not be fulfilling our dreams ☺️ "The admiration we feel for Matilde, all those involved in this project, makes us excited. It makes us happy that we can continue to improve this production that digitally revives Matilde, something never done before Connected from Guayaquil, Loja and the United States, we show that the  #sorority  it is a reality that breaks all existing distance "♀️ - Project Members  #MatildeHidalgoAlEcuador : Daniela, Gina, Carmen and Jodie ⚡

"Reliving the essence of Matilde motivates me to continue studying and working in service of God, the country and my home with effort and determination. Matilde opened paths for us and continues to inspire generations." - Daniela Zaldumbide,  #USA

"It is an honor to donate my voice to Matilde Hidalgo, a woman I admire and for whom I learned to fight and work day by day for my dreams" - Gina Ordóñez,  #Loja

"I feel a deep joy and satisfaction that the life of an illustrious woman will be known as I remember her: as an example of overcoming and courage" - Carmen Lozano,  #Guayaquil

"If it weren't for my mother Carmen and for her granddaughter's love for Matilde Hidalgo, I would NEVER have heard about her life, I would never have felt identified with her. Without Matilde I would not be the person or the professional that I am. I learned to break the mold with pride "- Jodie Padilla Lozano,  #Guayaquil

Thank you to the international organization 💪🏼 that was part of this incredible project ☺️ Thank you @ICFJ for sponsoring #MatildeHidalgoAlEcuador! This #TeamMatilde production will have subtitles in # English so that it reaches many more people 💟

Solemn Session "Matilde Hidalgo Navarro de Procel"
Central University of Ecuador, Quito

100 years ago Matilde obtained the title of the first doctor of Ecuador at the Central University of Ecuador, for this reason, this distinguished institution in support of academic and medical bodies of Ecuador, pay tribute with a solemn session where the book will also be launched "Matilde Hidalgo Navarro de Procel - Her time, conquests and legacy" same to which our founder Jodie Padilla Lozano has provided support with photographic material and as an editor.  

We kindly thank the coordinator of the event, Dra. Gladys LLanos, who has brought together different figures who over the years have contributed to the rescue of Matilde Hidalgo's legacy.

In addition, you can order your book with shipments to the entire country for $ 7 + shipping, a perfect gift to raise awareness about the importance of rescuing a life as valuable and so significant for all Ecuadorians as was our beloved and admired Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel.

Request it by sending an email directly to Gladys Llanos:

Decoration "National Assembly of Ecuador
Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Procel "

National Assembly Member Nathalie Arias, Team Matilde Ambassador, took the initiative to celebrate this occasion by awarding the most important decoration to the relatives of Matilde Hidalgo, as a posthumous recognition of Matilde's career and the social work that we develop from Team Matilde.  

The award was awarded to Jodie Padilla, founder of Team Matilde and representative of the family of Dr. Matilde Hidalgo, an act that motivates us to continue our voluntary work for the benefit of the integral training of the new generations. The following is indicated in the Agreement granted:

"The National Assembly of the Republic of Ecuador agrees to award the post-mortem decoration to cultural merit, which will be awarded together with this Legislative Agreement, to his great-grand niece, Miss Engineer Jodie Padilla Lozano, representative of TEAM MATILDE, an organization that opens a valuable space for highlighting the aptitudes and capacities of leading women that influence collective growth ".

Notes of interest
WhatsApp Image 2021-11-25 at 1.02.47 PM (1).jpeg

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