Vice Presidency Room "Matilde Hidalgo de Procel"
On November 21, 2019, Google accepted Team Matilde's request and created the first Doodle of an Ecuadorian woman. The popularity of this news opened a new debate. Why does Google celebrate it and Ecuador does not officially acknowledge this pioneer? This was stated by our founder Jodie Padilla and from this 2020 we will officially celebrate the legacy of Matilde Hidalgo every June 9 with the National Day of the Female Vote .
Weeks prior to the first and historic collaboration, Team Matilde promoted the digital campaign "Celebration of the First National Women's Vote Day" through the publication in Diario El Telégrafo of the historical review on what happened 96 years ago and the creation of the open digital campaign "ToolKit Team Matilde" #MatildeHidalgo # DíaNacionalDelVotoFemeninoEC
We thank our Founding Ambassador for being an active part of the Team Matilde, Abg community. Silvia Buendía. Thanks to her notable work as editor of the Sorority section of Diario El Telégrafo, Jodie Padilla had the opportunity to write for the first time and in detail, the feat of Matilde Hidalgo de Procel on June 9, 1924.

Thanks to the leaders, media, organizations and institutions that echoed our open campaign with their respective communities. We greatly appreciate your support!
The joy that invades us we share with all the people who have supported us for almost 3 years!
Thanks to the leaders, the media, organizations and institutions that invited us to celebrate this national commemoration together . Without you, nothing would be possible!
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Spotify, radio, television and streaming witnessed the first official celebration of Matilde's achievements and the conquest of the civil right to vote for an entire region. We take a lifetime to thank each person who shared, published, forwarded, saved and spoke for the first time about Matilde with her family and loved ones. In this space we thank some architects who dedicated their valuable time to this campaign but the list goes on infinitely. Everyone who tagged Team Matilde in those days has the certainty that they were reposted and retweeted; It was an arduous task and we hope we did it 100% effectively.
Here are some final mentions: